Monday, February 28, 2011

Animatoria MAG!!

If all animators unite, and create a survival guide in surviving the harsh wasteland of animation industry in Malaysia, maybe we can get overcome those fascist bastards who always step on our heads.. and warn others of lying evil companies, and of course, guide in making superb animation. The main purpose is that we have to stick together.. like thieves.. ,stand our ground and produce more quality animation (according to the pay) \(^O^)/

I always want to own, write or draw my own magazine/book.. since high school i've done some comic books.. and a few stories.. all either been hide in storage.. or just being lost in time..

im just not in a mood to work today.. so i made these for all my fellow comrades.. ^^"


hideYUShi nakata said...

gua pertamaxxxx!!....

huhu..sabo byk2 bro..
camtu la keje GD, MD, Sang Animator..
klo keje kt kompeni kecik mmg azab laa..
aku dulu penah rase camtu..
moga ko tabah dan dimurahkan rejeki..


kupeh rodriguez said...

keep it up...
takkan animator ilang di dunia..
p/s:hideYUShi nakata,tanpa co. kecik xtakkan ade co. yg besar...da mmg hukum alam yg kecik akan mmbesar!!!(including boobies)

monkee said...

caya la pis..aku sokong ko kupeh..xda yg kecik..xda yg beso..yg penting..pengurusan kene bagus..klu beso pon bleh melingkup..

Anonymous said...

this is so cool! mati-mati aku ingat betul-betul punya mag. cis. tipah tertipu la pulak. mudahan satu hari kamu dapat keluarkan mag kamu sendiri ya bro!

susah-susah dahulu, senang-senang kemudian. :)

situkanghambar said...

kenapa itu cahaya hanya dari mata sahaja?

Apisometres said...

yus : mmg tgh sabo la nih, haha..
kupeh : xmau yg beso2, sdg2 aje (kompeni) hehe..
monki: mmg pengurusan ptg, duit pun sama penting..
kid : thanx.. mag sendiri memerlukan support n idea rerakan.. ^o^
ham: cahaya yg ni membakar, yg lain menyejuk,.. hehe

amenmisbahh said...'s totally ooss-comic..Ngiahahahaha..

Pijun said...

hoho pelan2 kita usaha apis, insyallah kita jmpa jalan.