We animators always succumb to one common problem- unstable pay. Not something to be proud of~ but we always survive, one way or another.. ><".
Sorry for the late update.. been infected with high-fever.. and high-lazyness (^^") gomen-ne mina..
I've got so many ideas for comic strip.. but unable to begin production.
this commonly known as "kemalasanmelandasyndrome"..
but i'll try my best to improve productivity (starting next week, hehe) and keep updating :)
aku 1st!...hahahaha
yus sux
syuk gei....wakakaka
gomen gaji masuk awal...tapi by the time orang swasta dapat gaji..kitaorang dah abis dah gaji...menanti yg bulan depan lak....penting ade simpanan setiap bulan mengelakan dari kebulur...
wakakaka....aku suke part last tu...hahaha...^^'
yus:kat sini la ko dpt no1, kat sekolah xpenah..^^
syuk: yup, indeed yus sux, wahaha
kupeh: ko kata nak update blog ko, dem..
aki: kekadang time org gome dh abis gaji pun kitorg xdpt gaji lagi.. lol
mario: tq, tengkorak aku mmg kiut.. hehe
dem aku lambat sangaaaaat....~~
dem..aku lagi la lambat......~~
quote ] pubik! xgtau pun ko ade blog.. hahaha [ end quote.
pernah mengalami situasi macam ni. saya faham. kikiki^^
jun n monkei : bio lambat, asalkan klik ad. hehe
jehe: chait.. bg la salam.. ^^
rebel: huhu.. fahamilah kami... ><"
Ah, dulu pernah kena.
bukan animators aje gini, small-scale food companies pun sama gak.
bos janji 30, takde, 31, takde...1 hb, takde...
last2 kitrog call CIMB Branch nyamar jadi pekerja lain, pastu tanya "company xxx dah clear belum check nye?"
ending: almost kantoi sebab pekerjanya ppuan tp yg nyamarnye lelaki. wahahaha
lol.. almost kantoi xpe.. br la ocean11.. hehehe.. yg peliknye.. kerja nak cepat, dtg nak awal.. tp time gajisesuka armadilo jek nak lambat.. tensen bangat..
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